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    Can People with Diabetes Eat Bananas?

    The banana is a highly versatile, delicious fruit that's easy to digest and touted for its many health benefits, such as protection against oxidative stress and chronic disease due to its high fiber and antioxidant content.

    Bananas' soft texture and sweet taste make them a healthy option for most people—including babies and older adults, who may struggle with chewing and swallowing tougher foods, as well as athletes and active individuals who need a quick energy source while on the go.

    But are bananas safe to eat for those living with diabetes?

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  • Do bananas raise your blood sugar?
  • How much sugar in a banana diabetes
  • Keep reading to find out. Plus, we'll cover how bananas affect blood sugar and the benefits of consuming bananas if you have diabetes.

    Is It Safe to Eat Brown Bananas?

    Banana Nutrition

    One medium banana has:

    • 105 calories
    • 1g protein
    • 0g fat
    • 27g carbohydrates
    • 3 grams fiber (11% Daily Value (DV))
    • 422 milligrams potassium (9% DV)
    • 10 milligrams vitamin C (11% DV)
    • 0.4 milligrams vitamin B6 (24% DV)

    Bananas are most known for their potassium content, but they are also high in fiber,

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