Wind chill index
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Motorcycle wind chill calculator...
Wind Chill Calculator
Wind Chill Formula
The Wind Chill Calculator uses the following formulas to calculate the wind chill factor:
WC (Wind Chill, °F) = 35.74 + 0.6215 × T - 35.75 × V 0.16 + 0.4275 × T × V 0.16
V is the wind speed in miles per hour (mph),
T is the air temperature in Fahrenheit (°F).
Wind (mph) = 0.621371 × Wind (km/h)
Wind (mph) = 2.23694 × Wind (m/s)
Wind (mph) = 0.681818 × Wind (ft/s)
Wind (mph) = 1.15077945 × Wind (kts)
Wind (mph) is the wind speed in miles per hour,
Wind (km/h) is the wind speed in kilometers per hour,
Wind (m/s) is the wind speed in meters per second,
Wind (ft/s) is the wind speed in feet per second,
Wind (kts) is the wind speed in knots.
TF = 1.8 × TC + 32
TF = 1.8 × (TK - 273.15) + 32
TC = 0.55556 × (TF - 32)
TK = ( 0.55556 × (TF - 32) ) + 273.15
TF is temperature in Fahrenheit,
TC is temperature in Celsius,
TK is temperature in Kelvin.
Example: If the outside temperature is 5°F and the wind speed is 30 mph, the wind chill tem
- how is wind chill determined
- how is wind chill factor calculated