Star trek into darkness box office
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Star trek 3
Star trek into darkness sequel.
Star Trek Into Darkness running time
How long is Star Trek Into Darkness - running time
2 hours, 13 minutes
More information on this film
Title: Star Trek Into Darkness
Director: J.
J. Abrams
Producer: J. J. Abrams, Bryan Burk, Damon Lindelof, Alex Kurtzman, Roberto Orci
Writer: Roberto Orci, Alex Kurtzman, Damon Lindelof
Based on: 'Star Trek' by Gene Roddenberry
Music: Michael Giacchino
Cinematography: Dan Mindel
Editing: Maryann Brandon, Mary Jo Markey
Studio: Bad Robot Productions, K/O Paper Products, Skydance Productions
Distributor: Paramount Pictures
Released: April 23rd, 2013
Runtime: 133 minutes
Country: United States
Language: English
Budget: $190 million
Gross: $443,865,011
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