Common cold treatment

    common cold how is it spread
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  • Common cold how is it spread
  • Signs your cold is getting better!

    What is the common cold?

    The common cold is a viral infection.

    Signs your body is fighting a cold

  • Prevention of common cold
  • Signs your cold is getting better
  • Common cold is caused by which virus
  • Can you spread a cold by breathing
  • It's one of the most common illnesses people get.

    • Colds spread easily from person to person, especially within the first 2 days of symptoms

    • Symptoms include stuffy or runny nose, sore throat, tiredness, and sometimes a mild fever and go away on their own within 4 to 10 days

    • Being cold or wet doesn’t cause colds or make you more likely to get sick

    • Having yellow or green-colored mucus is normal in the later stages of a cold—it doesn't mean you need antibiotics or have a more serious infection

    • Decongestants and antihistamines can help cold symptoms feel better, but don’t give these medicines to children under 4 years old

    • Because colds are caused by viruses, antibiotics won't cure a cold or make it go away faster

    What causes a cold?

    Colds are caused by many different viruses.

    A group of viruses called rhinoviruses are the most common cause. Rhinoviruses tend to cause colds in the spring and fall.

    You can get a cold by:

    • Touching an infected person’s hand after they’ve wiped or blown their nos

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        common cold spreadable