What is tested in a full blood count
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- how is a complete blood count performed
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Cbc test includes!
What Is a CBC (Complete Blood Count)?
A “complete blood count,” (CBC) is a group of commonly performed tests which use a sample of your blood.
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It counts the number of different types of cells and components in your blood, like red blood cells. It also shows how much hemoglobin is in your blood, the protein that red blood cells use to carry oxygen around the body.
Your primary care provider, emergency room caregiver, hospitalist physician, or specialist might ask you to get a CBC test.
It can provide information that helps them identify and diagnose multiple different diseases, if needed, including anemia, blood cancers, infections, autoimmune disorders, and blood loss.
Because blood is so critical for sustaining life, it’s not surprising that a CBC is an important test for diagnosing many different medical conditions.
A CBC analyzes multiple components of your blood, including:
- Red blood cells, which carry needed oxygen to all the cells of your body.
- White blood cells, a group of various kinds of cells of the immune system that are important for fighting in
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