5 sentences using that is

    is that that grammatically correct
    is that that correct grammar
    is so that grammatically correct
    is that you grammatically correct
  • Is that that grammatically correct
  • That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is.

    “Q: What do you call those constructions where the same word is repeated?

    Is it correct

  • Grammatically correct one word sentence
  • That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
  • Grammar checker
  • Double that in a sentence
  • Specifically: “I can see that that is going to be a problem” or “I received this this morning.” I’ve used a few in writing recently, but I’m puzzled at whether they require punctuation to make the reader realize they aren’t typos.

    A: When a sentence has two words back to back, like “that that” or “this this,” we hear an echo.

    But there’s not necessarily anything wrong. Unless it’s a typo (as when we type “the the”), the words are doing different jobs.

    If there’s a special term for back-to-back words used legitimately, we haven’t been able to find it.

    But your sentences are good examples; both are grammatically correct and neither requires any special punctuation.

    Let’s look at them one at a time.

    (1) “I can see that that is going to be a problem.”

    Here we have two clauses (a clause is part of a sentence and includes both a subject and its verb).

    The first “that” is a conjunction—it introduces a subordinate clause that’s the object of the main clause (“I can see”). The second “that” is a demonst

      is that re grammatically correct
      is grammatically correct to say