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    how long before something is an antique
  • When is an antique an antique
  • How old does something have to be to be vintage or antique.

    What's the Difference Between Antique and Vintage?

    Difference between vintage and antique

  • How old is vintage
  • How old does something have to be to be vintage or antique
  • Vintage vs retro vs antique
  • How old is antique car
  • Experts Weigh In

    While "antique" and "vintage" are often used interchangeably when referencing collectibles, knowing the difference between these terms is important for collectors, historians, and enthusiasts. Antiques are much older than vintage items, often reflect a bygone era, and have high cultural or historical value.

    Vintage items, on the other hand, are much younger and represent a specific period within the last century. Here, we explain the key distinctions between these terms, as well as how to tell vintage and antique items apart when shopping at flea markets, antique malls, and other secondhand shops.

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    What Is Antique?

    How old does something have to be to be classic

    The term antique refers to something 100 years or older, says Rebecca Rau of M.S. Rau Antiques. This criteria helps to distinguish antiques from more contemporary collectibles and decorative items. "The century-old benchmark is widely accepted by collectors, historians, and experts in the field, as it signifies the ite

      what makes an antique an antique
      when is it an antique