Mcas massachusetts vote
- when is mcas
- when is mcas in massachusetts
- when is mcas 2025
- when is mcas testing in massachusetts 2024
When will mcas scores be released!
Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System
Standards-based assessment
The Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment system, commonly abbreviated as MCAS, is Massachusetts's statewide standards-based assessment program developed in 1993 in response to the Massachusetts Education Reform Act of the same year.[1] State and federal law mandates that all students who are enrolled in the tested grades and who are educated with Massachusetts public funds participate in MCAS testing.[2]
If necessary, students are given multiple opportunities to take the test to maximize the chance that said student will pass the exam.
In 2024, a ballot question was passed that made MCAS no longer a high school graduation requirement.
What grades take mcas
Grade Levels
[edit]Students take different tests according to their grade level. In addition to these tests, students may be required to take tryouts and pilot tests. The following list is current as of spring 2017.
It is required for a student to pass the English Language Arts, Mathematics and Science and Technology/Engineering portions of th
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