How to soften brown sugar quickly
- how to soften sugar that is hard
- how to soften brown sugar that is hard
- how to soften white sugar that is hard
- how to soften sugar thats hardened
How to soften rock-hard brown sugar!
If you’ve ever reached for your white sugar only to find it has hardened into an impenetrable rock, don’t worry!
How do you soften brown sugar and keep it soft
Hardened sugar is a common problem, but fortunately, it’s a problem that can be easily solved. In this article, we will explore different methods to soften white sugar and make it usable again in your recipes.
Why does white sugar harden?
White sugar hardens due to exposure to moisture.
When sugar is left uncovered or stored in a humid environment, the moisture in the air causes it to clump and solidify.
How to soften white sugar that has hardened?
The good news is that softening hardened white sugar is quite simple.
Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you bring your sugar back to its granulated state:
Step 1: Place the hardened sugar in a sealable plastic bag. Make sure the bag is clean and dry.
Step 2: Moisten a clean cloth or paper towel with warm water.
Squeeze out the excess water until the cloth is damp but not soaked.
Step 3: Place the damp cloth or paper towel into the bag with the hardened sugar.
Step 4: Seal
- how to soften sugar that has gone hard
- how to soften sugar that has gotten hard