When does high school football season start 2024

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    when is high school football season over in texas
    when is middle school football season over
    when is high school football season end
  • When is high school football season over
  • When does high school football season end in california!

    How many games in a high school football season

  • When does high school football season start and end near me
  • When does high school football season end in california
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  • Fall doesn't arrive until Sept. 22 in 2024, but don't tell high school football that.

    The fall high school sports season gets off to a summery start next month, with several states kicking off their football season Aug.

    15 and 16.

    More states join the party every week from there, with just a handful waiting until September to start their run toward state championships.

    Here's when every state (plus one district) starts its high school football regular season and postseason, going alphabetically from Alabama through Wyoming.


    Season starts: Aug.


    Playoffs start: Nov. 8


    Season starts: Aug. 15

    Playoffs start: Oct. 11


    Season starts: Aug. 23

    Playoffs start: Nov. 8


    Season starts: Aug. 30

    Playoffs start: Nov.



    Season starts: Aug. 16

    Playoffs start: Nov. 8


    Season starts: Aug. 29

    Playoffs start: Nov. 7


    Season starts: Sept. 12

    Playoffs start: Dec.



    Season starts: TBD

    Playoffs start: TBD


    Season starts: Aug. 23

    Playoffs start: Nov. 8


    Season starts: Aug. 16

      when does high school football season end
      when does high school football season end in texas