What part of speech is would like

    what part of speech is would
    what part of speech is would like
    what part of speech is would have
    what part of speech is wouldnt
  • What part of speech is would
  • What part of speech is although.

    What part of speech is show

  • What part of speech is not
  • What part of speech is although
  • What part of speech is have
  • Use of would with examples
  • would

    Would is an auxiliary verb - a modal auxiliary verb. We use would mainly to:

    • talk about the past
    • talk about the future in the past
    • express the conditional mood

    We also use would for other functions, such as:

    • expressing desire, polite requests and questions, opinion or hope, wish and regret

    Structure of would

    The basic structure for would is:

    subject+auxiliary verb
    +main verb

    Note that:

    • The auxiliary verb would is invariable.

      There is only one form: would

    • The main verb is usually in the base form (He would go).

    Look at the basic structure again, with positive, negative and question sentences:

    notmain verb
    +Iwould liketea.
    ?Wouldyou help? 

    Note that the main verb is sometimes in the form:

    • have + past participle (He would have gone)
    • be + -ing (He would be going)

    The main verb cannot be the to-infinitive.

    We cannot say:

    Be careful! Note that

      what part of speech is would have been
      what part of speech is would my